Cybersecurity: what is the role of the human factor...

Cybersecurity : what is the role of the human factor and how can internal audit challenge the existing practices?

Is Cyber risk just another behavioral risk?

Cybersecurity and data security have been one of the top three priority risks identified in Risk in Focus over the past five editions.

Despite increasing investments made by organisations, it is undeniable that cyber-attacks are more and more complex and sophisticated, continuously leading to serious damages on compagnies’ most valuable assets.

Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic and the current uncertainty emerging from it and from the New Normal, will definitely foster the risk exposure for all organisations. This is the reason why the European Institutes of Internal Auditors developed a practical guidance on HOW to audit this risk, and why is the human factor must be seen as a key success factor for cyber risk management practices.

Please joins us to our international round table, with European internal audit professionals sharing their experiences in auditing cyber risks and their views on the importance of the human factor to tackle today’s key challenges.


- Guy-Philippe Goldstein - researcher and lecturer at the Economic Warfare School of Paris, Advisor to PwC France

- Luca Laguardia - Head of Internal Audit – Borsa Italiana and Member of the CyberSecurity Observatory of the Associazione Italiana Internal Auditors.

- Marc Solé - Operational & IT Risk Audit director at Banco Sabadell

- Twan Oosterveld - from Group Internal Audit Citco - IT audit & security

Discussion facilitated by: Pascale Vandenbussche, ECIIA Secretary General

Este webinar es en inglés, sin coste y sólo para socios del Instituto de auditores internos de España.


10/12/2020 13:00 - 14:00
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